Hypnosis Services
Troy Wellness Hypnosis offers "Heal the Cause Hypnosis," (HTCH) Debra Troy's synthesis of the best "state of the art" personal transformation, self healing, energy clearing and hypnosis techniques she has studied over the past 32 years and Hypnosis Consulting Services /"Specialty Hypnosis" found in the Hypnosis Consulting tab, Alchemical Hypnotherapy, Bilateral Hemispheric Integration and "Parts Hypnosis"
"Heal the Cause Hypnosis" is a simple, yet powerful system that allows Debra to guide her clients to uncover and remove subconscious blocks that create emotional and physical pain and suffering and the resulting negative thinking, discomforting emotions and harmful habits that people often engage in, when they are hurting or stressed.
The results clients report from identifying and releasing subconscious beliefs that no longer serve them through the HTCH method, are life changing and are known to create major positive shifts in thinking, feeling and daily habits.
The HTCH technique incorporates:
Applied/Behavioral Kinesiology or "muscle testing" to uncover blocked emotions, negative thinking and subconscious decisions about life that become the underlying default mechanism that can "run the show" of a person's life.
This includes the "story line" of who was involved in an experienced or witnessed drama or trauma, the "age of decision," when a belief went subconscious and the resulting subconscious belief that was derived from the experience that went 'back brain" and still runs the show.
Energy/Emotional Healing takes place in the second part of the session. The following techniques may be used to facilitate that process: The Emotion Code, The Emotional Freedom Technique, Kalos Kinesiology, Somatic Healing Hypnosis, Bi Lateral Hemispheric Integration and Alchemy Hypnosis techniques. The best techniques are chosen for each client to help them to release emotional/energy blocks that keep them from experiencing life the way they want to experience it. Once the thought/feeling blockage of the drama or trauma the client has experienced or witnessed has been addressed and he/she is feeling more relaxed, peaceful and at ease, we recondition the body and brain to experience happier, healthier thoughts, feelings and lifestyle habits.
Future Paced Hypnosis: This is the reconditioning part of the session. The intent is to anchor positive thinking and feeling states to future experiences the client may have experienced difficulty with in the past. This is done through conditioning the brain to lay down new neural pathways, in alignment with the clients goals. This piece of the work involves future paced hypnosis/guided imagery, music, movement and teaching of positive stress relieving strategies, designed to anchor positive thinking and feeling states, to future events the client will experience where they wish to remain, strong, healthy, in control, peaceful, happy and in balance.
My Personal Story- Heal the Cause Origins
My personal story which led me to create Heal the Cause Hypnosis began with own "Healer's Journey" which I became aware of at 17 years old.
My parents were survivors of the Holocaust. They lost everyone and everything and came to America with nothing but a couple of relatives to help them get started, get employment, get settled, start a family and live "The American Dream." This was their goal and they achieved it, but not without great pain and personal sacrifice.
My mother had serious Post Traumatic Stress, after the war, with accompanying PTSD ailments and my Dad suffered with recurring migraines and nightmares. From a young age I battled with wanting to heal them, "fix them," make them more like my friends parents, who were more, "American" and dreamed of having less strict parents and a happy, relaxed, loving home.
Our families way of dealing with the "unspoken pain" that was always around, was to celebrate with food, especially sweet treats. "Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down," became a habit in our household, with the medicine being "everyday life." My mother's pain, illnesses, survivor's guilt, loneliness, grief and loss permeated our home and my childhood memories, which eventually became sublimated over time.
Being the middle child of three was not easy for a sensitive, empathic child that felt everyone's pain, so when mother baked sweet treats, I lapped it up like a starving homeless kitten, because the only times I experienced mother's happiness was when she baked, made holiday meals, listened to Opera or went on vacation. Sweets became wired up for me as mother's love.
I longed to take my parents pain away and heal my own feelings of unworthiness, guilt, shame, belief in my unlove-ability and more, which led me firmly onto the healer's path. It has saved my life and would help others to reclaim there's as well.
Although I could not help my parents heal their trauma, I found my own voice and path and stayed true to my life's purpose, which has been to heal myself and help others to heal.
It is an ongoing journey that gives me new lessons on loving myself and I still find myself forgiving myself, learning and growing every day.
I attended Nursing School in 1979. with my older sister, at my father's insistence. I had wanted to be a healer or a therapist, but my father had great disdain for Psychotherapy and there were no programs for Holistic Health and Healing on the East Coast in the 70's, so I reluctantly agreed to go.
Relatively quickly I saw that the medical end of healing did not resonate with me, I was not in alignment with the medical model of treating chronic symptoms with drugs, without doing a whole person assessment that could create a holistic picture of the origin of illness.
I did not see most of my chronically ill patients healing from their diseases, on drugs alone and I deeply believed that there were emotional upsets, limiting beliefs and past traumas and dramas that helped create my patients illnesses, that were not being addressed.
I didn't know it at the time but I was about to discover the Holistic Health Model and dedicate my life to learn, grow and heal with it.
It took practically going through the whole nursing school program for me to find my voice. When the stress of the intense coursework, labs and clinical floor work took its toll on me, along with the sense that I was on the wrong education path, I became ill, had an anaphylactic reaction to Penicillin with full body hives and swelling, that required a Nor-epinephrine shot and steroids to keep me from dying. The aftermath was weeks of full body swelling, itching hives and an adrenal collapse, that went un diagnosed, for another two years.
This was the extreme circumstance it took for me to find the courage to tell my parents that I wanted to drop out of a career path that was making me sick, which ran contrary to my budding beliefs about healing.
I moved out of my parent's home after getting well and begin my healer's journey, at 21 years old.
I had never been in alignment with the medical model of treating symptoms with drugs, when I was in Nursing School. I did not see most of my chronically ill patients healing from their diseases and I deeply believed that there were emotional upsets, limiting beliefs and past traumas and dramas that helped create my patients illnesses, that were not being addressed. I didn't know it at the time but I was about to discover the Holistic Health Model and dedicate my life to learn, grow and heal with it.
My yearning to help people "Heal the Cause" of underlying subconscious blocks that can contribute to sickness of mind, body and spirit, set me off on a 32 year journey of ongoing education, training and certification in numerous holistic health and Hypnotherapy certification programs, specialty hypnosis training's, behavioral kinesiology training's and energy healing, body/mind, emotional clearing modalities.
The outcome is my work, "Heal the Cause Hypnosis, Self Mastery Method,"
a synthesized healing technology that incorporates the best "state of the art" energy and emotional clearing techniques I have learned.
HTCH is done in a two hour session, either in person, or online, via Zoom.
THE PROCESS: "Heal the Cause Hypnosis"- Self Mastery
1.) Muscle testing to uncover the source, core trapped emotion and story behind the original incident that is creating trouble in present time.
This is what creates negative thinking, toxic emotions or harmful habits we unknowingly adapt to cope with earlier dramas or traumas that are difficult to understand or accept.
2.) Uncover the "Take Away Belief" that is the result of the original upset
3.) Release Core Emotional Wounds and faulty thinking with the "Emotional Freedom Tapping" technique and Hypnotherapy techniques to bring the stress down on the issue, until relief is experienced.
4.) Rewire Brains and Bodies, with Guided Visualization to create a mind/body sensory experience for the client and create an inner resource system of care and support, using the senses to anchor desired changes into the persons whole being. To reinforce the positive suggestions and the clients desired way of being, I offer either:
a.) a personally created audio recorded during the session or,
b.) a self hypnosis practice the client employs.
Both are designed to lay down new neural pathways in the brain, reinforcing greater states of happiness, health and harmony and are individualized to each person.
I have witnessed powerful client sessions of personal transformation and self healing doing this work. It is the culmination of my life's study and work.
After all, I had experienced great generational and personal healing, myself and I knew the synthesis I had woven together could do the same for others. Gratefully, this has proven to be true.
Specialty Hypnosis Sessions: We work with the power of the body/mind to decrease stress, worries and fears and encourage the brain and body to return to functioning optimally, as our magnificent human bodies and brains are meant to operate. We offer specific Hypnosis protocols to accomplish this based on different conditions people may have.
Our Clinical Hypnosis sessions are offered only with a Physician's referral.
We have been offering private sessions and workshops for over 30 years helping people reduce stress, learn self healing techniques and create positive changes for life!relieve pain, reduce stress, overcome unhealthy habits, create a relaxed mindset for medical/surgical procedures and encourage the body/mind to function by divine design.
Some of the Specialty hypnosis programs we offer are:
Some of our Wellness Hypnosis Specialty Sessions are:
Some of our Clinical and Behavioral Hypnosis Specialties:
Alchemical Hypnotherapy work is the creation of David Quigley, www.alchemyhypnosis.com and is a combination of inner guide work, done in trance, Gestalt, Psychosynthesis (Assagioli's Mountaintop Technique) and Jungian Archtypal work, woven together in an interactive, dynamic personal growth and transformation session. Alchemy finds underlying subcomscious beliefs and transforms them into opportunities for deep healing.
An Alchemical Hypnotherapy session can be part of a Heal the Cause Session or be a 'stand alone' Hypnotherapy Session.
It incorporates core healing for the inner child, the inner family, can re-parent one's parents, or the inner child, create an inner mate and rewrite life and karmic contracts, create inner support systems that are essential to heal past dramas and traumas, rewire addictive habits and patterns and much more. It ultimately integrates one's younger self with one's adult self and all of this contributes to inner healing, happiness, creative and emotional expression, vibrant health and inner peace.
CALL TROY WELLNESS AT 609) 397-1844 to schedule a free Exploratory Call to see if "Heal the Cause Hypnosis," or Specialty: Wellness, Clinical or Behavioral Hypnosis Sessions are Right For You.
Sessions are available in the Lambertville Office and Online with Zoom.
"Heal the Cause Hypnosis" is a simple, yet powerful system that allows Debra to guide her clients to uncover and remove subconscious blocks that create emotional and physical pain and suffering and the resulting negative thinking, discomforting emotions and harmful habits that people often engage in, when they are hurting or stressed.
The results clients report from identifying and releasing subconscious beliefs that no longer serve them through the HTCH method, are life changing and are known to create major positive shifts in thinking, feeling and daily habits.
The HTCH technique incorporates:
Applied/Behavioral Kinesiology or "muscle testing" to uncover blocked emotions, negative thinking and subconscious decisions about life that become the underlying default mechanism that can "run the show" of a person's life.
This includes the "story line" of who was involved in an experienced or witnessed drama or trauma, the "age of decision," when a belief went subconscious and the resulting subconscious belief that was derived from the experience that went 'back brain" and still runs the show.
Energy/Emotional Healing takes place in the second part of the session. The following techniques may be used to facilitate that process: The Emotion Code, The Emotional Freedom Technique, Kalos Kinesiology, Somatic Healing Hypnosis, Bi Lateral Hemispheric Integration and Alchemy Hypnosis techniques. The best techniques are chosen for each client to help them to release emotional/energy blocks that keep them from experiencing life the way they want to experience it. Once the thought/feeling blockage of the drama or trauma the client has experienced or witnessed has been addressed and he/she is feeling more relaxed, peaceful and at ease, we recondition the body and brain to experience happier, healthier thoughts, feelings and lifestyle habits.
Future Paced Hypnosis: This is the reconditioning part of the session. The intent is to anchor positive thinking and feeling states to future experiences the client may have experienced difficulty with in the past. This is done through conditioning the brain to lay down new neural pathways, in alignment with the clients goals. This piece of the work involves future paced hypnosis/guided imagery, music, movement and teaching of positive stress relieving strategies, designed to anchor positive thinking and feeling states, to future events the client will experience where they wish to remain, strong, healthy, in control, peaceful, happy and in balance.
My Personal Story- Heal the Cause Origins
My personal story which led me to create Heal the Cause Hypnosis began with own "Healer's Journey" which I became aware of at 17 years old.
My parents were survivors of the Holocaust. They lost everyone and everything and came to America with nothing but a couple of relatives to help them get started, get employment, get settled, start a family and live "The American Dream." This was their goal and they achieved it, but not without great pain and personal sacrifice.
My mother had serious Post Traumatic Stress, after the war, with accompanying PTSD ailments and my Dad suffered with recurring migraines and nightmares. From a young age I battled with wanting to heal them, "fix them," make them more like my friends parents, who were more, "American" and dreamed of having less strict parents and a happy, relaxed, loving home.
Our families way of dealing with the "unspoken pain" that was always around, was to celebrate with food, especially sweet treats. "Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down," became a habit in our household, with the medicine being "everyday life." My mother's pain, illnesses, survivor's guilt, loneliness, grief and loss permeated our home and my childhood memories, which eventually became sublimated over time.
Being the middle child of three was not easy for a sensitive, empathic child that felt everyone's pain, so when mother baked sweet treats, I lapped it up like a starving homeless kitten, because the only times I experienced mother's happiness was when she baked, made holiday meals, listened to Opera or went on vacation. Sweets became wired up for me as mother's love.
I longed to take my parents pain away and heal my own feelings of unworthiness, guilt, shame, belief in my unlove-ability and more, which led me firmly onto the healer's path. It has saved my life and would help others to reclaim there's as well.
Although I could not help my parents heal their trauma, I found my own voice and path and stayed true to my life's purpose, which has been to heal myself and help others to heal.
It is an ongoing journey that gives me new lessons on loving myself and I still find myself forgiving myself, learning and growing every day.
I attended Nursing School in 1979. with my older sister, at my father's insistence. I had wanted to be a healer or a therapist, but my father had great disdain for Psychotherapy and there were no programs for Holistic Health and Healing on the East Coast in the 70's, so I reluctantly agreed to go.
Relatively quickly I saw that the medical end of healing did not resonate with me, I was not in alignment with the medical model of treating chronic symptoms with drugs, without doing a whole person assessment that could create a holistic picture of the origin of illness.
I did not see most of my chronically ill patients healing from their diseases, on drugs alone and I deeply believed that there were emotional upsets, limiting beliefs and past traumas and dramas that helped create my patients illnesses, that were not being addressed.
I didn't know it at the time but I was about to discover the Holistic Health Model and dedicate my life to learn, grow and heal with it.
It took practically going through the whole nursing school program for me to find my voice. When the stress of the intense coursework, labs and clinical floor work took its toll on me, along with the sense that I was on the wrong education path, I became ill, had an anaphylactic reaction to Penicillin with full body hives and swelling, that required a Nor-epinephrine shot and steroids to keep me from dying. The aftermath was weeks of full body swelling, itching hives and an adrenal collapse, that went un diagnosed, for another two years.
This was the extreme circumstance it took for me to find the courage to tell my parents that I wanted to drop out of a career path that was making me sick, which ran contrary to my budding beliefs about healing.
I moved out of my parent's home after getting well and begin my healer's journey, at 21 years old.
I had never been in alignment with the medical model of treating symptoms with drugs, when I was in Nursing School. I did not see most of my chronically ill patients healing from their diseases and I deeply believed that there were emotional upsets, limiting beliefs and past traumas and dramas that helped create my patients illnesses, that were not being addressed. I didn't know it at the time but I was about to discover the Holistic Health Model and dedicate my life to learn, grow and heal with it.
My yearning to help people "Heal the Cause" of underlying subconscious blocks that can contribute to sickness of mind, body and spirit, set me off on a 32 year journey of ongoing education, training and certification in numerous holistic health and Hypnotherapy certification programs, specialty hypnosis training's, behavioral kinesiology training's and energy healing, body/mind, emotional clearing modalities.
The outcome is my work, "Heal the Cause Hypnosis, Self Mastery Method,"
a synthesized healing technology that incorporates the best "state of the art" energy and emotional clearing techniques I have learned.
HTCH is done in a two hour session, either in person, or online, via Zoom.
THE PROCESS: "Heal the Cause Hypnosis"- Self Mastery
1.) Muscle testing to uncover the source, core trapped emotion and story behind the original incident that is creating trouble in present time.
This is what creates negative thinking, toxic emotions or harmful habits we unknowingly adapt to cope with earlier dramas or traumas that are difficult to understand or accept.
2.) Uncover the "Take Away Belief" that is the result of the original upset
3.) Release Core Emotional Wounds and faulty thinking with the "Emotional Freedom Tapping" technique and Hypnotherapy techniques to bring the stress down on the issue, until relief is experienced.
4.) Rewire Brains and Bodies, with Guided Visualization to create a mind/body sensory experience for the client and create an inner resource system of care and support, using the senses to anchor desired changes into the persons whole being. To reinforce the positive suggestions and the clients desired way of being, I offer either:
a.) a personally created audio recorded during the session or,
b.) a self hypnosis practice the client employs.
Both are designed to lay down new neural pathways in the brain, reinforcing greater states of happiness, health and harmony and are individualized to each person.
I have witnessed powerful client sessions of personal transformation and self healing doing this work. It is the culmination of my life's study and work.
After all, I had experienced great generational and personal healing, myself and I knew the synthesis I had woven together could do the same for others. Gratefully, this has proven to be true.
Specialty Hypnosis Sessions: We work with the power of the body/mind to decrease stress, worries and fears and encourage the brain and body to return to functioning optimally, as our magnificent human bodies and brains are meant to operate. We offer specific Hypnosis protocols to accomplish this based on different conditions people may have.
Our Clinical Hypnosis sessions are offered only with a Physician's referral.
We have been offering private sessions and workshops for over 30 years helping people reduce stress, learn self healing techniques and create positive changes for life!relieve pain, reduce stress, overcome unhealthy habits, create a relaxed mindset for medical/surgical procedures and encourage the body/mind to function by divine design.
Some of the Specialty hypnosis programs we offer are:
Some of our Wellness Hypnosis Specialty Sessions are:
- Smoke Free and Happy
- Drink Less Hypnosis (not for alcoholics)
- Sugar Brain Retrain
- Birth Fear Release
- Fertility Enhancement
- Diabetes Compliance
- Allergy Relief: Adults Only
Some of our Clinical and Behavioral Hypnosis Specialties:
- Advanced Pain Hypnosis
- Preparation for Surgery
- Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Fibromyalgia Relief
- Allergy Relief
- Autoimmune Support
- Social Media Addiction
- Better Testing/Educational Performance (Teens and Adults)
- The Addiction Relapse Prevention Program
Alchemical Hypnotherapy work is the creation of David Quigley, www.alchemyhypnosis.com and is a combination of inner guide work, done in trance, Gestalt, Psychosynthesis (Assagioli's Mountaintop Technique) and Jungian Archtypal work, woven together in an interactive, dynamic personal growth and transformation session. Alchemy finds underlying subcomscious beliefs and transforms them into opportunities for deep healing.
An Alchemical Hypnotherapy session can be part of a Heal the Cause Session or be a 'stand alone' Hypnotherapy Session.
It incorporates core healing for the inner child, the inner family, can re-parent one's parents, or the inner child, create an inner mate and rewrite life and karmic contracts, create inner support systems that are essential to heal past dramas and traumas, rewire addictive habits and patterns and much more. It ultimately integrates one's younger self with one's adult self and all of this contributes to inner healing, happiness, creative and emotional expression, vibrant health and inner peace.
CALL TROY WELLNESS AT 609) 397-1844 to schedule a free Exploratory Call to see if "Heal the Cause Hypnosis," or Specialty: Wellness, Clinical or Behavioral Hypnosis Sessions are Right For You.
Sessions are available in the Lambertville Office and Online with Zoom.